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Do you know how big the biggest frog is?

The biggest frog, called the Goliath or Giant frog, can grow larger than one foot (30 cm) long. This frog can be found in West Central Africa. The largest frog in America is the Bullfrog. The Bullfrog can grow more than 6 inches long.

Do you know which frog is the smallest?

The smallest frogs are the Brazilian Gold Frog which is only about 3/8 of an inch (9.8 mm) and the Monte Iberia Eleuth frog at 9.6 to 9.8 mm long.

Do you know what color eyes frogs have?

A frog's eyes are either gold, silver, brown or green. The pupils are either round, horizontal, heart shaped and even star shaped or triangle shape.

Do you know how many different types of frog species there are?

There are over 4,000 different species of frogs with new species being discovered each year. There are 6 to 14 species that don't have tongues. I wonder how these little guys catch a fly with no tongue!

Do you know how far a frog can hop?

Frogs can jump up to 20 times the length of their body. They use their strong back legs to leap and jump. The longest known jump of a frog was 33 feet 5.5 inches long. Wow! That would win the long jump contest at a track meet.

  Frogs are amphibians, and together with reptiles make up a large group called Herps. The scientists who study this group are called Herpetoculturist. One single creature is a herptile. If you breed herptiles as a hobby, your hobby is herpetoculture.

Here are some fun facts about frogs:

•The eyes of a frog can be gold, silver, brown or green. The pupils can be round, horizontal or heart shaped. You may even see star-shaped or triangular eyes.
•Frog teeth are small and cone-shaped, and are found on the upper jaw. Frogs also have teeth on the roof of their mouths. The teeth hold prey before the frog swallows it whole.
•There are 6 to 14 frogs species in the world that have no tongues. One of these is the African dwarf frog.
•Frogs can jump 20 times their body length. They launch themselves with strong, back legs.
•All toads are really frogs from a different family of species.

Why Frogs Sing and have Spots or Stripes

Some frogs have vocal sacs that stretch like balloons. Other frogs sing without a vocal sac. Only male frogs sing in some species, while in others both males and females sing. Frogs sing for a number of reasons. They may want to keep other frogs out of their territory, to signal changes in the weather, or to look for a mate.

The Chilean four-eyed frog has poisonous glands on its behind that look like eyes to fool enemies. Some frogs have stripes down the middle of their backs that make them look as if they are “split in two.” This confuses their enemies and keeps them from becoming someone’s lunch.

Unusual Frog Facts

•Bullfrogs leave tracks with their bellies and toes.
•In the town of Villa Angel Flores in Mexico, a tornado picked up the frogs from a lake and "rained" them over the city.
•The longest life span of a frog was 40 years. It was a European Common Toad.
•The eyes of a frog flatten down when it swallows its prey.
•Frogs drink and breathe through their skin.
•Frogs hear using big, round ears on the sides of their heads.
•Frogs that live in northern and cold regions hibernate?
•The earliest known frog appeared 190 million years ago during the Jurassic Period.

---------------------True or false: Some animals can get sunburn
True. Certain animals are more susceptible to sunburn than others, particularly those with shorter hair and light-colored skin. Dogs, cats, horses and cows, for example, often get sunburn on their noses and the tips of their ears during hot summer days.

True or false: No cat likes water
False. It's true that house cats would probably rather sleep on a bed of nails than get in the bathtub, but many of the big cats enjoy splashing around. Bengal tigers, in particular, are fond of lakes and streams, and can often be seen playing together in the water, both in the zoo and in the wild.

True or false: Frogs have to drink lots of water
False. You would think that water makes up a large part of a frog's diet, especially since they always seem to live near water. One of the most interesting animal facts for kids is that frogs don't drink at all. Frogs are unique creatures that actually absorb water through their skins to stay hydrated, so they don't have to imbibe any water through their mouths.

True or false: Elephants eat with their noses
True. Elephants belong to a largely extinct group of animals called proboscidea, which use their noses as forks and spoons. They do not actually swallow their food through their noses, but lift branches, grass and other pieces of vegetation with their strong trunks, then curl the food into their mouths.

True or false: Camels can walk 100 miles in the desert without water
True. Camels can traverse up to 100 desert miles without a drop to drink. Once they have access to water, however, they can consume up to 30 gallons in as few as 13 minutes. Part of the reason they can go so long without hydration is because they do not often sweat.

True or false: Chimpanzees are nocturnal
False. One of the most interesting animal facts for kids is that chimps are often observed playing, eating or walking at night, but they are actually day creatures. They can be found sleeping during the day and during the night. This is often related to the weather; if they sleep all day through a rain storm, they will be active at night, but they'll be out during the day on a sunny afternoon.

True or false: The hummingbird egg is the world's smallest bird egg
True. Hummingbirds lay the smallest eggs, while ostriches lay the largest. In fact, ostrich eggs are so big that it can take up to two hours to hard-boil them.